Away in PA

Thursday, August 17, 2006

My First Post

Ok so i've always enjoyed reading other people's blogs, xangas, myspaces, facebooks, etc. , but never really liked the idea of having one of my own. So here I am, less than a week away from moving away to college and i figure, what the heck, i'm about to start going through lots of changes in my life why not add on another one. So i've decided to change my mind on blogging, follow in the footsteps of my big sister, and pleasure my friends and family by giving them blog version. hey, it's the best I can do when i'm living 600 miles away from home! My hope is to keep you entertained with random thoughts and stories, worry-free with updates letting you know that i'm not just surviving college, but actually thriving; and informed on my college softball career like whether i'll even be playing or just warming up the bench for my teammates. Another hope of mine is not turn out like my sister and post more than every six months. I can't make any promises, but my goal is to make posting on my blog a weekly thing and avoid the bi-yearly posting that my sister has slumped into. (don't worry Sara i'm not giving you a hard time or anything) Ok well I hope this first post is sufficient for all of my readers seeing as there are none of you at this point since this blogging decision was a random, 3 am, can't fall asleep, unannounced to anyone, type of decision.
The Countdown:
5 days until I leave
7 days until I move in


Blogger Sara said...

Love the blog title. Very cute.

5:54 PM  

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