Away in PA

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Well, it's 4 am on the day that I leave for college. Of course i'm not sleeping, but this time it's not because I can't, but rather because I had a lot of packing to do after returning from yet another goodbye hangout with friends which ended up going until 1 am! It's crazy as I look back on my life (though it's only 18 years long), I wonder where all that time went. It seems like just yesterday that we moved into our house on Foxglove Ct., but really it was over 8 years ago now; almost half my life! For the next 4 years of my life Foxglove Ct. will no longer be my main address and instead I'll be living in Pennsylvania in a college dorm. I just can't even fathom that i'm going to college and leaving my friends, family, and bed!! It's hard leaving everyone behind, but it was my decision to leave Michigan and i'm sticking with it. Sometimes i've questioned whether it was the right decision or not, but I trust that God has a purpose in leading me to Messiah, and I can't wait to see what it is. ok well I could write a post probably 10 times longer than this with all sorts of emotional ponderings, however, I have to be up in 3.5 very short hours for yet another goodbye hangout so I guess the rest of those thoughts will have to wait.
The Countdown:
11 hours until I leave MI
2 days until I move in


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