Away in PA

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Under 12 hours...

Yes, that's right in less than 12 hours I will be on campus at Messiah. Right now I am in awe and disbelief. I'm also recovering from a foot that fell asleep and a little annoyed by my father who is apparently reading a very funny book and hasn't stopped laughing about who knows what for the past half hour. Anyways, the countdown is in hours and no longer in days, and still I can't fathom it. I'm actually quite surprised that my mind isn't more consumed by all kinds of hopes and fears about college, but I'm really ok with it because I'd like to sleep tonight. I keep thinking that since I'm not freaking out right now that it'll hit me on my 20 minute drive from our hotel to campus tomorrow morning, but we'll just have to wait and see...


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