Away in PA

Monday, August 28, 2006

Officially Moved In

That's right, I'm officially a college student living on campus, in dorms, using community bathrooms, sleeping on a bunk bed, and eating in a dining hall. I apologize that it took me 4 days after moving in to post, but I have been far busier in these past few days than I ever expected. It is a completely different style of life, and I'm adjusting to it. I enjoy it, but I must admit that at this point I think i'd still rather be back home in Michigan. However, I trust that in time I will adjust and begin to enjoy life here a little more. Classes begin on Tuesday and I never thought i'd say this, but I'm actually looking forward to classes starting. Those of you who know me well know that I hate education with a passion and know I never look forward to anything involving education. Apparently things are changing though. I think i'm actually looking forward to classes starting just so that I can be a little more normal schedule and so that college will be begin to feel a little more like college rather than summer camp. Ahhh the sounds of college, right now, as I type I hear a huge group of guys outside my dorm going through their dorm initiation. College...there's nothing like it!


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