Away in PA

Monday, September 04, 2006


I've officially decided that worrying is 99% of the time totally and completely unecessary. Coming into college I was worried about a lot of things. What was probably most ridiculous was my worries about class. I think that I've probably been pretty much afraid of college classes for a few years now, but now that I'm in them I feel retarded for being afraid. College classes are fabulous! I mean you only have to go a couple times a week, professors don't care if you're there or not, you can walk in and out of class as you please, and you never have to do stupid busy work. The only things that really suck are the whole writing tons of papers thing and having to buy your own books thing. Those are indeed a pain in the butt, but whatever, I'll deal because it's all just part of the experience, right? Another thing that I was really worried about was softball practice, and after today (my first day of practice) I know that practice is also something in which worrying was something that was just completely unecessary. My very first college practice really wasn't too bad, ok so Coach wasn't there because she's not allowed to be there yet, but still. I felt like I played pretty well and we didn't even have to run that much! So anyways, the moral of the story is...don't waste your time worrying too much because it's stupid.


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