Away in PA

Friday, September 08, 2006


Alright, as my friend Nicole would put it..."let me set the scene for you"'s a Friday night, 11:45 pm and me and 2 friends are sitting in our dorm, bored out of our minds. I'm pretty upset because now 2 Friday's in a row I've gotten really excited about a party, gotten prettied up for it, and then once I get there it's lame. Then I'm left with nothing to do for the whole rest of the night. Tonight was especially horrible because I went to this party (a clean party for those of you concerned family members), realized I didn't know anyone and that there was nothing to do, and came back to my dorm by 8:45 pm. What does one do when this situation arises? I'm pretty sick of sitting in my dorm because I've done enough of that during the week. The weekends are supposed to be fun, and so far they've been lacking in that. So basically this post is just a cry for help. What are poor college students to do on the weekends when they're bored out of their minds? I'm open to all suggestions...on campus, off campus, free, cheap...I wanna hear them all because I don't wanna spend another weekend night sitting in my dorm room writing retarded posts on my blog. But, just so you all know and you don't get worried about me, I bring to you a couple pictures of the fun I had last night having a sweatpants night with my girls at El Rodeo, a local Mexican restaraunt, and a little shopping followed by football in the parking lot of Giant, a local grocery store.

This is me and my friend Sarah "Spacey Sarah" Schooley

Ok so I'm not in this one but this is (from left) Nikki (roommate), Kristi Shea (hall mate), Nicole (softball buddy and adopted roommate), Sarah (hall mate), and Emily (roommate)

So anyways, post a comment, shoot me an email, do whatever to let me know what I should do next time my weekend plans turn out to be lame-o.


Blogger Sara said...

Fall is always a good time to play football. Specifically, Chicken Football, where a chicken replaces the ol' pigskin. And it only costs a dollar or two a person to buy an uncooked chicken from your local supermarket. Ultimate Chicken is also fun, which is Ultimate Frisbee played with a chicken. Both games get more fun as you go along and the chicken becomes "broken in". That's when you have to do decide whether the person with the torso or the person with the legs gets credit for the reception. Good times.

2:47 PM  

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