Away in PA

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Last week Tuesday I pulled my first ever college all-nighter. Well, it wasn't quite all night, but pretty close to it. I had a research paper due on Wednesday for one of my classes. Tuesday morning the only work I had done on the paper was a few hours of research with plenty to go. I spent most of Tuesday afternoon and evening completely the necessary research. By early evening I realized that this was most probably going to be an all night event so I began my coffee drinking early. Shortly before midnight I finally completed my research and was able to begin writing. 2 am came around and I could definitely feel myself beginning to tire. By this time all my friends were in bed and I had no one to make me coffee anymore so I did what I had to do. Shortly after 2 am I went out to my car and drove off campus to a diner a few miles away that I knew was open 24 hours. As a side note I must mention that there are definitely some weird men who hang out in Baker's Diner at 2 am! Anyways, I got a hazelnut cappuchino in a to go cup and I was on my way again. When I arrived back to campus I went back to work with a renewed vigor. I worked from then until 5:30 am when I finally completed the paper and even proofread it too! I then went bed for a couple hours, and got up in time for my 9 am class. It was definitely a long night, but it was all worthwhile in end. On Thursday I was able to sleep in until noon and then do nothing all day long. It was fabulous!

Saturday, October 28, 2006


That is the word I would use to describe my fall break (October 12-15). The only part that wasn’t so fabulous about it was the fact that there was snow on the ground when my plane landed in Grand Rapids. Beyond that I had a great time and did NOT want to go back to PA. It was awesome to be able to see almost all of my friends and catch up. Being away from all my friends makes me realize how much I love them and how much I miss them. I loved being able to hang out with the people that I love and trust in a way that I don’t with people from school. As a friend of mine described it… “it’s a breath of fresh air”. I was really sad to leave Grand Rapids and head back, but it’s just a part of life that I’ve gotta do. What made it especially hard was knowing that I wouldn’t see my friends again until Christmas…that’s 2 months away!!! Oh how will I ever survive?! Nonetheless, it was an amazing weekend that I wish I could enjoy over and over again instead of going back to school.

Friday, October 27, 2006

I am Ashamed

Here it is, nearly the end of October and I have not posted since the very beginning of the month. I apologize deeply to my readers. Much has been going on during the month of October that has kept me from posting. Earlier on in October I had my first college softball games. Then mid-October I had fall break. Last week was one of those hard core procrastination weeks where I just couldn't seem to motivate myself to do anything. Then earlier this week I was a little stressed out by a research paper and an overdue math project. Now finally things are slowing down a little bit and I'm ready to make it up to you. My hope is to, over the course of the next work or so, post on some of these different things that have been keeping me busy such as softball, fall break, etc. I just hope that you all can forgive me, and please start to check this website more regularly again because I promise (and I mean it) that I will post more often again.

Monday, October 02, 2006


In my first post I mentioned that I would keep you informed on my college softball career, and I figured now is a fabulous time for an update. Currently I'm well into my fall season which consists of a total of 16 practices and 1 tournament. We have practice for 2 hours on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and then other conditioning-type things on Tuesday and Thursday. So far I've got 10 practices under my belt and things are going quite well. I've been practicing at 2nd base and I'm loving it! I'm so happy to be done catching and moving back to the infield. It's a lot of fun because it's so much more of a challenge for me and it pushes me to be better. There is another freshman who has been practicing at 2nd, but so far it looks as though I will have the spot. It excites me, but I'm not allowing myself to get my hopes up about it for fear of disappointement. Practices are very different to me because in high school they weren't really geared towards me and I wasn't challenged at all, but now every day I'm challenged to become better and I feel as though eyes are always on me and that every little thing I do matters in order to prove to Coach that I deserve the starting spot.

The one tournament of the fall season is coming up this Saturday and I'm very excited! I can't believe that I'll really be playing college softball, but at the same time I'm very nervous about how I will do. The tournament is at a school called Bloomsburg and we will be playing them and another school, called Cabrini, twice. It will be a long day, full of softball, but I'm very excited and it'll be a great taste of what college softball will be like.

I thought you might also like to know that my picture is officially up on the Messiah College softball website. You can check it out at this web address... ...and then click on my name (I'm #17) and the picture will load. I was worried that I would look horrible in the picture because it was taken during practice, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it for the first time. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Adoption Announcement

On Saturday, September 30, 2006 Dwight Nelson Bergakker joined the family when he/she (its gender is unknown) was purchased from PetSmart by Ms. Abigail Rose Bergakker. He is 0 lbs. 1.5 oz and 1.4 in. What is most fabulous is that he/she and his/her room and board cost Abigail only $9.92! I hope you will all give him/her a warm welcome into the family if you ever have the grand pleasure of meeting him/her.