Away in PA

Monday, November 20, 2006

Another Piece of Writing

Well it's been awhile since I posted and so I thought I better put another something out there for my readers. I'm too lazy to actually write something new, but I'm wanting to procrastinate from writing the paper that I should be writing right now so I've decided to compromise and post something that I wrote for a class a little earlier this week. The class is called Foundations of Physical Education (I hate it and it's pointless) and half my grade in the class is my portfolio that I've been putting together all semester. It's filled with all sorts of goodies like my resume (as if there's anything on it), references, a cover letter (as if I was trying to get a job somewhere), a writing sample, some other random crap, and last but not sports management philosophy. For those of you who don't know, I'm a sport and excercise science major with a concentration in sports management, and after college I'm hoping to get a job at a fitness club like Orchard Hills Athletic Club (for those of you form GR). Anyways, I finally took the time to sit down and write my philosophy of sports management. I was a little unsure about "my philosophy" prior to writing it, but now that it's down on paper and I've read through it a couple times...I'm kinda proud of it :) here it is...

Sports Management Philosophy
I have established my philosophy of sports management through my experiences in education, sport, work, faith, and everyday life. Sports greatly effect our lives as part of a healthy lifestyle, as fun activities, and as a form of entertainment. Sports management deals with the business aspect of sport that can sometimes be “behind-the-scenes”, but is still essential to the continuation of quality fitness and athletics whether they be on a recreational or professional level. I take my own personal health and fitness seriously, and I want to help those who struggle in this area. Obesity is a huge problem in America, and I am passionate about helping those who want to improve themselves by helping them discipline themselves in their own health and fitness. I believe that strong management is key in creating a successful health and fitness business, and as a manager it is something I would strive to achieve on a daily basis. I am passionate about fitness and creating a fun, safe, and educational atmosphere for all those who are involved. I work to achieve this kind of atmosphere while also running my business efficiently so that it continues to grow. I believe that part of my job as manager is to be a leader as well as a servant to those who work for me. I consider it my job to be an example to my employees on how to best serve each other as coworkers along with our clients. I am convinced that I possess the necessary skills and qualities to be a respected and successful health and fitness manager. I have strong leadership skills, discipline, determination, and decorum. I believe that my use of these talents is the key to success in sports management.


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