Away in PA

Monday, October 02, 2006


In my first post I mentioned that I would keep you informed on my college softball career, and I figured now is a fabulous time for an update. Currently I'm well into my fall season which consists of a total of 16 practices and 1 tournament. We have practice for 2 hours on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and then other conditioning-type things on Tuesday and Thursday. So far I've got 10 practices under my belt and things are going quite well. I've been practicing at 2nd base and I'm loving it! I'm so happy to be done catching and moving back to the infield. It's a lot of fun because it's so much more of a challenge for me and it pushes me to be better. There is another freshman who has been practicing at 2nd, but so far it looks as though I will have the spot. It excites me, but I'm not allowing myself to get my hopes up about it for fear of disappointement. Practices are very different to me because in high school they weren't really geared towards me and I wasn't challenged at all, but now every day I'm challenged to become better and I feel as though eyes are always on me and that every little thing I do matters in order to prove to Coach that I deserve the starting spot.

The one tournament of the fall season is coming up this Saturday and I'm very excited! I can't believe that I'll really be playing college softball, but at the same time I'm very nervous about how I will do. The tournament is at a school called Bloomsburg and we will be playing them and another school, called Cabrini, twice. It will be a long day, full of softball, but I'm very excited and it'll be a great taste of what college softball will be like.

I thought you might also like to know that my picture is officially up on the Messiah College softball website. You can check it out at this web address... ...and then click on my name (I'm #17) and the picture will load. I was worried that I would look horrible in the picture because it was taken during practice, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it for the first time. Enjoy!


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