Away in PA

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Is the reason the season autumn is also known as fall because the leaves "fall" from the trees? This had never really occurred to me until Friday when I learned that something besides leaves fall from trees. Autumn is not only a time for leaves to change and eventually fall from the trees, but also acorns. I was walking to my philosophy class in Boyer Hall on Friday morning, just strolling along, when all of a sudden--BANG!! OUCH!! After the initial sting wore off I realized that I had just been hit in the head with an acorn. You wouldn't guess it, but an acorn falling from a good 15+ feet can be quite painful. What's more surprising is that it can leave a mark. After the small bomb landed on my head I rushed into the nearest bathroom in Boyer and looked in the mirror. To my surprise there was actually a cut on my forehead, and even more amazing--it drew blood. Yes, indeed, there was a small amount of blood on the cut. I feel a little ridiculous telling people that I actually have a wound from an acorn. For your viewing pleasure I have included a low-quality picture of the wound (it's the little red mark above my eyebrow)...


Blogger Sara said...

A mark "above the eyebrow"? What eyebrow? I don't see any eyebrow. It looks like you take after Mom...

11:49 AM  
Blogger Abby said...

I can't help it i've cursed with all the bad characteristics of mom and dad! Mom's freckles and invisiible eyebrows and dad's short legs, big butt, and thin hair. I guess i'm just the runt of the litter.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

You know, I don't think Dad used to have thin hair!

So have you inherited the cankles like I have?

6:05 PM  
Blogger Abby said...

Of course I lists of horrible characteristics was only the ones that came to my mind as I typed; it was an incomplete list, but cankles should definitely be on there!

12:10 AM  

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