Away in PA

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I find Snufflers to be some of the most annoying, rude, and disgusting people in the world. Now, if you are a Snuffler I don't mean to offend you, but I hope that maybe this post will cause you to change your ways. Snufflers, for those of you who don't know, are people with a runny nose who, instead of simply blowing their nose into a tissue, choose to "snuffle" their snot by inhaling it back into their nose creating a terribly disturbing sucking noise. Ugh! Just talking about it makes me want to puke! Now, what prompted me write about my frustrations with Snufflers was having to deal with classrooms full of them. There's a cold bug going around campus here at Messiah College leaving many students with a runny nose. Just the other day I was sitting in class, I believe I was taking a test, and all I could hear was an entire chorus of snuffles. It seemed as though half the class was snuffling their snot, and I could hardly focus; it was so disgusting! My question is...would it be completely rude of me to get up grab a handful of tissues and hand one out to every Snuffler in the room? Sometimes it's just so tempting because it would really benefit everyone...I would be relieved of the sick sensation in my stomach making me feel as though I was going to puke, and the Snufflers would be relieved of having to snuffle their snot every 3 seconds. So for all you Snufflers out there, please, out of courtesy to everyone around you, get up off your butt and grab a tissue. Thank you.


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