Away in PA

Monday, September 18, 2006


To begin I want to apologize...I said when I began this blog that I would post every week and last week I failed to do that. Later on in the week I had a post planned out, but just never got around to writing it. This post is not that one, but I hope to get to it eventually; maybe later this week. I'm very sorry, and I hope that you all can forgive me for this. Now, on to business, Laundry...I consider myself to be quite the launderer (is that a word?). I refuse to do for as long as possible as if it were my job. Tomorrow marks exactly 4 weeks since I left home and I have done laundry twice. I really feel as though that's too many times for a 4 week period, but you get to a point where you run out of underwear and this is what usually determines when I do laundry.

My first laundry experience was a frustrating one. I chose to do laundry on a Sunday afternoon...BIG mistake! Everyone and their mother were doing laundry!! I managed alright to get my clothes into a washer, but because I refused to spend my Sunday afternoon in the laundry room watching the minutes go by on the timer, I had to wait 2-3 hours to get my clothes into a dryer, and that wasn't without nearly getting into a fight with some inconsiderate guys.

Tonight is my second laundry experience and it's definitely been a better one. I really wasn't wanting to break down and do it, but when I noticed that I could literally see dirt on my bath towels (which hadn't been washed since I left home), I knew that it was time. However, who knew that the laundry room would still be busy on a Monday night? Certaintly not me!! My first attempt at bringing my clothes to the laundry was a failure. I went down around 8:30 pm and all washers were in use. I was upset, but I didn't allow this to discourage me from doing my laundry tonight...mostly because my sheets were in my laundry bag and I wasn't about to remake my bed without having washed the sheets first. I was a trooper though and headed back down to the laundry room around 10:15. This time I managed to find two open washers and shoved my piles and piles of laundry in. When most people bring their laundry down, they usually have a (1) mostly full laundry bag. Not me; no, I manage to drag down 2 very full laundry bags and I make sure that I fill those 2 washers full with clothes. When it comes time to dry I make that they all fit into one dryer because as a college student with no income, my dollars are very precious to me, and if I have to fork out $1 per wash and $1 per dry then i'm gonna make sure that I get my money's worth.

My biggest fear about the laundry room is that someone will snatch an article of clothing or two. For that purpose I always set the alarm on my cell phone to make sure that i'm back in the laundry room with minutes to spare before my load gets done. Tonight, however, has taught me that it's possible for your clothing to be stollen right out from under your nose. Ok, so I'm not sure because my clothes aren't out the dryer yet, but I'm pretty sure that an undergarment of mine might have been mistakenly snatched while I was standing right beside it. Here's how it went down...I had a dryer all picked out to put my clothes into once they were done in the washer. When the dryer cycle ended I removed the person's clothes, which schockingly only consisted of like 2 pairs of socks and tshirt (crazy!), and set them atop the dryer next to mine. This currently lost undergarment was one I had no intention of putting in the dryer so I placed it between the two dryers so I wouldn't forget to bring it up with me. I proceeded to put all of my laundry into the dryer, and in the process the owner of the clothes I had taken out of the dryer came back to claim them, which she did, and then she left the laundry room. Once I'd completed the great task of squishing all my laundry into the dryer I was about the exit the laundry room when I remembered that undergarment. I looked back and it was no longer there! I immediately became furious because I assumed that this anonymous person may have accidently grabbed my undergarment along with her stuff. As I walked up to my dorm I realized that it was possible that I had accidently thrown this item into the dryer. So now the question remains...was my undergarment accidently stolen? or did I throw it in the dryer? In approximately 15 minutes I will have the answer to that question!

I've heard before that good writing circles around from where it began so I've decided to circle my writing around by closing with an apology just as I began with one. I apologize sincerely for writing such a long post, and not just a long post, but a long post about, of all things...laundry! I guess there are just certain times when I receive great inspiration to write on certain topics, and for some strange reason, tonight I received great inspiration about my laundry. My apologies folks, I hope to bring you a more interesting topic soon!


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