Away in PA

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Laundry II

If you have yet to read my first "Laundry" post then I would suggest scrolling down and reading it; it will help to make sense of this post. Now, on to business...the verdict is in and my missing undergarment was most definitely stolen. I just hope that it was a mistake after all. Now you may be thinking, why don't you just go to the girl and ask for it back? See that won't be happening because I'd never seen this girl before in my life and I don't remember what she looks like in the least.

While i'm on the topic of laundry...again...I'd like to mention that I learned another valuable lesson on laundry experience #2. I mentioned in my previous post that I shoved two loads from the washer into one dryer...well, yeah, that didn't turn out so well. Basically, the lesson I learned is that when you shove 2 bath towels, a set of bed sheets, 1 sweatshirt, 5 pairs of pants, 17 t-shirts, and 2 weeks worth of underwear and socks, somehow it's just not gonna get dry. When the 60 minute cycle was done the contents of the dryer were far from being dry. I then had to resort to hanging pants, sheets, t-shirts, etc all over my area of the room. Next time I do that much laundry I think I might consider forking out the extra $1 and using 2 dryers as opposed to 1.


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