Away in PA

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Last week Tuesday I pulled my first ever college all-nighter. Well, it wasn't quite all night, but pretty close to it. I had a research paper due on Wednesday for one of my classes. Tuesday morning the only work I had done on the paper was a few hours of research with plenty to go. I spent most of Tuesday afternoon and evening completely the necessary research. By early evening I realized that this was most probably going to be an all night event so I began my coffee drinking early. Shortly before midnight I finally completed my research and was able to begin writing. 2 am came around and I could definitely feel myself beginning to tire. By this time all my friends were in bed and I had no one to make me coffee anymore so I did what I had to do. Shortly after 2 am I went out to my car and drove off campus to a diner a few miles away that I knew was open 24 hours. As a side note I must mention that there are definitely some weird men who hang out in Baker's Diner at 2 am! Anyways, I got a hazelnut cappuchino in a to go cup and I was on my way again. When I arrived back to campus I went back to work with a renewed vigor. I worked from then until 5:30 am when I finally completed the paper and even proofread it too! I then went bed for a couple hours, and got up in time for my 9 am class. It was definitely a long night, but it was all worthwhile in end. On Thursday I was able to sleep in until noon and then do nothing all day long. It was fabulous!


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