Away in PA

Friday, October 27, 2006

I am Ashamed

Here it is, nearly the end of October and I have not posted since the very beginning of the month. I apologize deeply to my readers. Much has been going on during the month of October that has kept me from posting. Earlier on in October I had my first college softball games. Then mid-October I had fall break. Last week was one of those hard core procrastination weeks where I just couldn't seem to motivate myself to do anything. Then earlier this week I was a little stressed out by a research paper and an overdue math project. Now finally things are slowing down a little bit and I'm ready to make it up to you. My hope is to, over the course of the next work or so, post on some of these different things that have been keeping me busy such as softball, fall break, etc. I just hope that you all can forgive me, and please start to check this website more regularly again because I promise (and I mean it) that I will post more often again.


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