Away in PA

Saturday, October 28, 2006


That is the word I would use to describe my fall break (October 12-15). The only part that wasn’t so fabulous about it was the fact that there was snow on the ground when my plane landed in Grand Rapids. Beyond that I had a great time and did NOT want to go back to PA. It was awesome to be able to see almost all of my friends and catch up. Being away from all my friends makes me realize how much I love them and how much I miss them. I loved being able to hang out with the people that I love and trust in a way that I don’t with people from school. As a friend of mine described it… “it’s a breath of fresh air”. I was really sad to leave Grand Rapids and head back, but it’s just a part of life that I’ve gotta do. What made it especially hard was knowing that I wouldn’t see my friends again until Christmas…that’s 2 months away!!! Oh how will I ever survive?! Nonetheless, it was an amazing weekend that I wish I could enjoy over and over again instead of going back to school.


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