Away in PA

Saturday, December 09, 2006

I never thought the day would come!

This is extemely difficult for me to! I'm so ashamed!! It's currently a Friday night and I just spent the last few hours working on a math project. That's right, I, Abby Bergakker, was doing homework on a Friday night. What's even worse is that there was a big formal dance tonight, and not only did I not go, but I did homework. (sigh) I guess college is just changing me, and obviously not for the better! I really didn't want to spend my Friday night doing work, but I figured with 4 finals, a math project, and 5-7 page philosphy paper due in the next 6 days I better get a move on. I'm really not too concerned about the finals and the math, but the philosophy is going to be the death of me. If I really manage to describe, attack, defend, and give my own opinion on David Hume's view of the Free Will debate in a paper before Tuesday then God will have performed a miracle!