Away in PA

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I Kissed Snow Days Goodbye

When I graduated from high school I pretty much kissed snow days goodbye. I knew that it's really not too common for colleges to have snow days seeing as most students just have a few minute walk to their classes and don't actually drive. I really thought that never again would I have a snow day in my life, but I'm very happy to say that I was dead wrong. Today, February 14, at Messiah College, I had a snow day. We got hit by a pretty big snow/ice storm all day Tuesday and into today and as a result all classes were cancelled. I've been asked by several people back in Michigan if the snow day was justified or not because obviously states like Pennsylvania don't get much snow so therefore they can't handle mass amounts of snow very well. To be honest, I really am not too sure whether it's justified or not. I haven't been off campus to know what the roads are like, but from what I've heard they're pretty bad. My thinking though is that if they were just better at dealing with the snow that the roads wouldn't be as bad as they are. Anyways, justified or not I'm just happy that I didn't have class today. I slept in till almost 11, and stayed in my pjs until 3:30 when I had to get ready for softball practice. All day I stayed inside, and the nerd inside of me actually worked on homework. I worked ahead in my communications journals. One option for a journal entry was to write a list of 200 things you're thankful for. Now I'm thankful for a lot of things, but 200 is a lot! It basically took me all afternoon, but that's mostly because some friends invited themselves into my room and distracted me a lot. Overall it was an excellent snow day, and I really feel as though we should have them more often!