Away in PA

Thursday, August 31, 2006

My Dorm

Like I promised, here's a couple pictures of my dorm room...

Here's the entrance of the room; my bed is the top bunk with the blue and green bedding.

This is my corner of the room including my closet, desk, book shelf, dresser, tv, and microwave.

Monday, August 28, 2006

I'm thinking of you

Here's my first ever post including a picture. It's nothing much, but just a reminder to all of my family and friends that i'm thinking of you. Whenever I sit at my desk this is what I look at...

Ok so I know that picture isn't that great, but it's the best one i've got at this point. I hope to eventually post some more pictures of my dorm and my roommates and such, but you'll have a to give me a few days.

Officially Moved In

That's right, I'm officially a college student living on campus, in dorms, using community bathrooms, sleeping on a bunk bed, and eating in a dining hall. I apologize that it took me 4 days after moving in to post, but I have been far busier in these past few days than I ever expected. It is a completely different style of life, and I'm adjusting to it. I enjoy it, but I must admit that at this point I think i'd still rather be back home in Michigan. However, I trust that in time I will adjust and begin to enjoy life here a little more. Classes begin on Tuesday and I never thought i'd say this, but I'm actually looking forward to classes starting. Those of you who know me well know that I hate education with a passion and know I never look forward to anything involving education. Apparently things are changing though. I think i'm actually looking forward to classes starting just so that I can be a little more normal schedule and so that college will be begin to feel a little more like college rather than summer camp. Ahhh the sounds of college, right now, as I type I hear a huge group of guys outside my dorm going through their dorm initiation. College...there's nothing like it!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Under 12 hours...

Yes, that's right in less than 12 hours I will be on campus at Messiah. Right now I am in awe and disbelief. I'm also recovering from a foot that fell asleep and a little annoyed by my father who is apparently reading a very funny book and hasn't stopped laughing about who knows what for the past half hour. Anyways, the countdown is in hours and no longer in days, and still I can't fathom it. I'm actually quite surprised that my mind isn't more consumed by all kinds of hopes and fears about college, but I'm really ok with it because I'd like to sleep tonight. I keep thinking that since I'm not freaking out right now that it'll hit me on my 20 minute drive from our hotel to campus tomorrow morning, but we'll just have to wait and see...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Well, it's 4 am on the day that I leave for college. Of course i'm not sleeping, but this time it's not because I can't, but rather because I had a lot of packing to do after returning from yet another goodbye hangout with friends which ended up going until 1 am! It's crazy as I look back on my life (though it's only 18 years long), I wonder where all that time went. It seems like just yesterday that we moved into our house on Foxglove Ct., but really it was over 8 years ago now; almost half my life! For the next 4 years of my life Foxglove Ct. will no longer be my main address and instead I'll be living in Pennsylvania in a college dorm. I just can't even fathom that i'm going to college and leaving my friends, family, and bed!! It's hard leaving everyone behind, but it was my decision to leave Michigan and i'm sticking with it. Sometimes i've questioned whether it was the right decision or not, but I trust that God has a purpose in leading me to Messiah, and I can't wait to see what it is. ok well I could write a post probably 10 times longer than this with all sorts of emotional ponderings, however, I have to be up in 3.5 very short hours for yet another goodbye hangout so I guess the rest of those thoughts will have to wait.
The Countdown:
11 hours until I leave MI
2 days until I move in

Thursday, August 17, 2006

My First Post

Ok so i've always enjoyed reading other people's blogs, xangas, myspaces, facebooks, etc. , but never really liked the idea of having one of my own. So here I am, less than a week away from moving away to college and i figure, what the heck, i'm about to start going through lots of changes in my life why not add on another one. So i've decided to change my mind on blogging, follow in the footsteps of my big sister, and pleasure my friends and family by giving them blog version. hey, it's the best I can do when i'm living 600 miles away from home! My hope is to keep you entertained with random thoughts and stories, worry-free with updates letting you know that i'm not just surviving college, but actually thriving; and informed on my college softball career like whether i'll even be playing or just warming up the bench for my teammates. Another hope of mine is not turn out like my sister and post more than every six months. I can't make any promises, but my goal is to make posting on my blog a weekly thing and avoid the bi-yearly posting that my sister has slumped into. (don't worry Sara i'm not giving you a hard time or anything) Ok well I hope this first post is sufficient for all of my readers seeing as there are none of you at this point since this blogging decision was a random, 3 am, can't fall asleep, unannounced to anyone, type of decision.
The Countdown:
5 days until I leave
7 days until I move in